Seats: 120 total
Car is split into two sections each with an upper and lower level. Each section can seat 40 in the lower level and 20 in the upper level.
Handicap Accessible: No
Bathroom: Yes
Pricing: $18.00-$55.00 per seat varying per event.
Train Rides: The Polar Express™ Train Ride
-These cars are known as the Bi-Levels.
-We have three Bi-Levels in service.

Bi-level Coaches
Pullman Standard Car Company Built 1961
These cars were originally built by the Pullman Standard Car Company for the Chicago & NorthWestern Railroad and were used in commuter service. All of the cars here were built in 1961 except for car 7850 which was built in 1968. These cars were designed specifically for the C&NW Railroad for Chicago commuter trains with a “gallery car” design, meaning that the second floor, unlike traditional double deck cars, were split into single seat sections. The split level top deck design was a cost cutting measure made by the railroad, the cars could hold more passengers than standard single level cars but didn’t require more staffing as the conductor could collect tickets from the top and bottom floors at the same time without having to climb the stairs. These cars would continue serving the Chicago metropolitan area even after the demise of C&NW and reforming into Metra. After serving with Metra for several more years they were sold to the Mid America Railcar company who then sold them to the Indiana Railway Museum in 2012.